7 More Films I Enjoyed at Cinequest

I’m nearing the end of my Cinequest viewing, although there’s still several titles I want to see (The Island Between Tides, Bosnian Pot, Paradise, Ezra, The Invisible being the ones I want to see most). But I figured I’d share some more films other than the first 9 I recommended. Don’t forget Cinejoy starts on March 21st and most of the films I recommended in the previous article and below are streaming here.

Another Day In America (Dir. Emilio Mauro)

Mauro’s film uses black comedy and other tactful strategy to tell a powerful story. Packed with some of the best performances I’ve seen this year at Cinequest (especially Alexis Knapp and Paul BenVictor), the script is potent and clever, and the payoff is interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed this film as it was unnerving, challenging, tested my anxiety, but very necessary.

Drama Life (dir. Bo Yao)

Bo Yao’s story of a woman who always wanted to be a movie star, and her quest to invest in a film and finally get the lead role she’s been desiring. Things take a left turn as she comes across some shady individuals. Yao’s film is very well-shot and has a great performance from Peng Chi.

A Romantic Fragment (Dir. Pingdao Yang)

A very interesting take on a familiar story. A man seeks to go on a romantic trip with his ex-girlfriend, but wait, plot twist she brings her new partner, Gu along with them. The comedy and awkwardness that ensues is entertaining while morphing into some profound lessons as well. I found this to be pretty delightful.

There’s one more screening for this film on:
Fri Mar 15 – 4:50pm – Hammer Theatre,

Will also be available through Cinejoy

BA (Dir. Benjamin Wong)

Benjamin Wong’s creative sci-fi/drama has some very potent emotional scenes and dialogues, as well as an intriguing story. I could see this film finding some distribution. Lawrence Kao’s performance is noteworthy and one of the best I’ve seen during this year’s festival.

Future Date (Dir. Stanley Wong)

Wong’s dystopian sci-fi drama, is creative, refreshing and entertaining. The premise is people who have had no in-person human contact throughout their lives compete for a prize by living with someone in an old-fashioned house. This film seemed to be a crowd favorite at this year’s Cinequest. It is available via Cinejoy.

The Italians (Dir. Michelle Danner) (not showing at Cinejoy).

Wanted to show this film some love, it already played at Cinequest, however keep it on your radar as I have no doubt it will find distribution, if it hasn’t already. I saw it on Saturday night at the California Theatre; It was hilarious and I thoroughly enjoyed this laugh-out-loud family comedy. The film has an interesting take on the only child bringing home a new girlfriend to meet his folks tale.

Other films I haven’t been able to see yet but look forward to seeing at Cinejoy: Bosnian Pot & The Invisibles. I also will be watching the opening night film soon (The Island Between Tides).

I also wish I was able to catch Gondola, Bleecker, Ezra and a few others before writing my Cinequest wrap-up article. Hopefully i get to catch those through streaming in the future.

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